Specifying SEO tags

2 min. readlast update: 04.09.2024

When you add meta titles and meta descriptions to articles or in the Help Center, you improve your knowledge base visibility. This helps readers find your articles and helps your website's visibility on search engines.

Benefits of SEO tags in KnowledgeBase

Here's how SEO tags in KnowledgeBase are beneficial:

Better search engine visibility

Meta titles and descriptions help search engines understand your content. This can make your article show up higher in search results when people look for topics you've written about.

More clicks from search results

When your page comes up in search results, people usually see meta titles and descriptions. If these are interesting and clearly summarize the article's topic, more people might decide to click on them to read more.

Good for readers

These summaries let people quickly know if the content on the page is what they're looking for. This saves them time and makes their search for information more satisfying.

Attracts the right readers

If your meta title and description accurately describe the article, you'll attract readers who are really interested in what you have to say. This means they'll likely read more of the article and spend more time on your page.

Useful for sharing on social media

When people share your article on social media, the meta title and description are often shown. Good descriptions can make the article more appealing to people scrolling through their social feeds.

Control over how your content is shown

Without your own meta description, search engines will just take a piece of your article as a summary. This might not always capture what your article is about. By writing your own, you control how your content is introduced to potential readers.

Specify SEO tags in articles

Specify the meta title and meta description for the article you create.

  • The meta title performs best if it is about 60 characters long.

  • The meta description performs best if it is about 160 characters long.

Also, decide whether you want to index your new article in search results with a toggle.  


Specify SEO tags in the Help Center

Go to the Help Center settings and scroll down to SEO details.

Then, specify the meta title and meta description for your Help Center.

  • The meta title performs best if it is about 60 characters long.

  • The meta description performs best if it is about 160 characters long.

Also, decide whether you want to index your Help Center in search results with a toggle.  

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